Curphy Leadership Solutions first created the Rocket Model of team performance in the early 2000s, and since then the model has been used with well over 1,000 teams across a wide variety of geographies, industries, functions, and organizational levels. The Rocket Model and corresponding assessment, book, website, and development tools provide leaders and consultants with a practical roadmap for launching new teams, turning around underperforming teams, improving team dynamics, and managing virtual and cross-functional teams.
Rocket Model Products and Services
Team Assessment Survey II© (TAS II). This 41-item online survey provides
teams with detailed performance information for each of the eight components
of the Rocket Model. The feedback report also provides benchmarking data,
verbal comments, perspective comparisons (team leader vs. team members,
etc.), and is available in multiple languages.
The Rocket Model: Practical Advice for Building High Performing Teams
(Curphy & Hogan, 2012). This business book provides readers with a detailed
overview of the Rocket Model, step-by-step instructions for 17 different team
development activities, and examples of team off-site designs.
Certification Workshop. This two-day workshop helps internal
and external facilitators get familiar with the Rocket Model,
practice interpreting the Team Assessment Survey II©
feedback report, practice using the team development tools,
and designing and implementing team off-sites and
leadership development programs.
Leadership Development Program. This one-day program
provides line and staff managers with the blocking and tackling skills needed to build high performing teams. Participants learn about the Rocket Model, receive Team Assessment Survey II© feedback, practice using team development tools, and build action plans to improve team performance.
Team Assessment Survey II© Feedback Session. This one-half day program provides teams with an overview of the eight components of the Rocket Model and a structured feedback session to review TAS II results.
Team Consulting and Off-Sites. Curphy Leadership Solutions regularly provides advice to leaders and Human Resources staff on team issues and designs, and facilitates team off-sites that can range from 5-100 people and take place over multiple days and sessions.